Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Pope is a Rock Star

As I watch the live feed from EWTN at I'm struck by the adoration for our Holy Father from his adoring fans. Immediately following Vespers and his address to the USCCB, as he exited the Basilica, crowds were cheering him with Rock-Star-like status.

In our culture of celebrity, watching every move Britteny Spears makes, it's refreshing to see Americans cheering the pope, a man that stands for and espouses truth, love, and faith in the living God. I'm in no way trying to disparage Britteny, I'm just making this comparison for the sake of importance in the world among world renown figures. The crowd called out to the pope, saying, "Viva Papa!" The world is right again, if for at least this week. I say, "Rock-on Papa!"

Here's his address to the Bishops: April 16, 2008

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

Thanks for posting a link to my video.

I had to split it up into 4 parts because of the 10-minute limit on You Tube.

Here's a link to all 4 parts:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4